I wanted it to be a recognizable Spade - that was the most important part - that it fit in with the Card Type.. Beyond that I wanted to make it somewhat Optical Art inspired, and playing heavily on perspective.
Kate O’Hara
Wade Jeffree
Riccardo Guasco
Antonio Rodrigues Jr
Dan Matutina
I wanted to do an homage to the Cezanne’s painting “The Card Players 1894–1895”, one of the works that started the idea of Cubism in art history.
Riccardo Guasco
David McLeod
Burnt Toast Creative
Inkration studio
Tobias Hall
Victor Vergara
Edgar Rozo
2 elements + 1 spontaneous idea = guardian of 4 spades. Actually, when we thought about 4 spades, the most obvious was to play with 2 elements: spade and number 4. We tried to get answers for the following: How to combine them? How to present them in the most creative way? How to make understandable for player to know which card he take in his hand even within watching in its value.
Inkration studio
Leandro Castelao
Bram Vanhaeren
Justin Poulter
Charis Tsevis
No heart, no game!
Middle Boop (Gordon Reid)
Francisco Miranda
AJ Frena
Velvet Spectrum
Rafael Mayani
I read a couple of descriptions of what the 7 of Diamonds meant and most of them related it with money and power, so I thought I could represent it as a sort of Sheriff of Nottingham who steals everyone’s possessions. He is wrapped in a golden diamond that is almost like a cage.
Rafael Mayani
Mike Perry
Amaia Arrazola
Andreas Preis
Pierre Kleinhouse
Jackson Alves
Will Scobie
After creating almost exclusively animals for quite a while now, I wanted to do something else here. Earlier in my career I started with lots of portraits so I wanted to try this again - but with a lot more experience of course. I’ve also tried some little new things within my shading technique and I think it worked out quite well.
Andreas Preis
Karol Banach
Ery Burns
Bratislav Milenkovic
Daniel Shaffer
Javier Medellin Puyou
Justin Maller
Wanted to have some fun with the diamond shape. Thought I’d incorporate it into the ’10’ as a structure.
Justin Maller
Grzegorz Domaradzki
Roman Klonek
Mister Thoms
Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo
Alessandro Pautasso
Before i design my card, i search some informations about the signification “Queen of Spades”. Queen of Spades: A malicious, dark woman, generally a widow. An unscrupulous woman. A very dark-haired woman. A cruel woman, one who interferes. For women, a betrayal by a good friend. For men, a woman who will use them for their own gain. Widowed or divorced woman; or a woman with Air predominating in her chart. Dark haired woman, seductive or unscrupulous, treachery, betrayal, malice, widow. Treachery, betrayal, malice; a widow or evil woman and death symbol… The concept was to create a design in the spirit and style of a card to play and represent a dangerous woman symbolizing death and the dark side of some women lend anything to happen to get the one they want. Playing cards and dice represent more or less the uncertainty of the intended.
Nikita Kaun
Jonny Wan
Denis Zilber
Angga Tantama
Raul Urias
Jesse Hernandez
Omar Aqil
Joan Tarragó
Blackout Brother
Juan Díaz-Faes
Juan Díaz-Faes
Wes Art Studio
Poker, 88.9 × 63.5mm
Bicycle® paper with Air-cushion finish
52 Playing cards + 3 Jokers + Info card
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